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Description of Duties: Design thematic interdisciplinary units or projects
                                   Provide guidlines for the development of student portfolios
                                   Plan student led-conferences

Members – Marsoobian, Getsova, Gutierrez, O.Salas, E. Anderson, L. Salas, M. Kvapil
Group Leader  O. Salas and M. Kvapil 
Student led conferences are already in place.
We will focus on thematic interdisciplinary projects. We build the structure for thematic unit in English, Biology, International Trade and Culinary Arts Meeting will take place during SLC meetings. A concrete plan should be in place by spring semester. At the next meeting each group member will introduce an idea.

From 11/28/06 Meeting
Should produce one project per semester.

Florist Design relating to an eco - system
English - Ecology or how it relates to port marine life and environment.
Business - Business model for waste management
ESL - Collage
Science - Ecology Standards
                  Environmental Issues

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