Home2006-07 1st Semester AwardsMs. Rowen's Hot TipsWhy join the Port Academies?Meeting NotesAgenda for 4-10-2007Student CouncilCalendarGESAGSSITAMATCHPortfoliosData TeamInterdisciplinary Projects TeamIntervention and Personalization TeamOut Reach to Parents and Communication TeamMaster Schedule TeamDownloadsMy Port 2006-07Website ObjectivesBanning Athletics

Winners of the Election:

ITA Election the winners were – Samuel Leon and Cristina Velasquez


GESA 11th Grade winners were – Annamarie Guerrero and Emily Cancino


MATCH 10th – Crystal Jimenez


MATCH 11th – Martin Romero

   So the Port of Banning Council is made up of: 

ITA – Samuel Leon, Cristina Velasquez, Rafael Juarez and Gaby Perez


GESA – Amber Argueta, Annamarie Guerrero and Emily Cancino


GSS – Markiest Drew, Brittney Smith and Marissa Garcia


MATCH – Crystal Jimenez, Martin Romero, Maggie Rubio and Joyousnoel Dool



The Port Student Council Will Consist of the following:


1 Senior from each academy (4)

1 Junior from each academy (4)

1 Sophomore from each academy (4)


Mr. Mendoza will be the student council advisor.


On Monday a DVD will be given to all period 2 teachers to be played after the announcements. It will explain the election process and the goals of the student council. The DVD will also explain the portfolios.


Goals of the student council (other goals will arise with time)


1)      Create the new school 2 student lounge – paint over the mural

2)      Plan, with the academy lead teachers, the graduation party for school 2.

3)      Create a 14 minute monthly video newsletter.

4)      Unite students of the academies as one

5)      Plan outings and fun academy competitions.

      6)  Create new goals for the future.

 Meetings will take place, at least once a month, during 5th period.  The Election

1)      Students will nominate themselves. A form will be provided. Must be received by Nov 15th.  

2)      A background check on each nominee will be completed (talk to a few teachers to see if they are credible)

3)      A meeting will be held for all nominees. It will be explained that they will have to make a 60 second speech on video tape or they can make their own 60 second commercial. Guidelines of good taste will be explained in the meeting. Meeting will be Nov. 17th.

4)      Videos will be shot or turned in on Nov. 20th.

5)      November 22nd the videos will be shown during SSR. The ballots will be handed out after. The results will be announced online at theportofbanning.com during Thanksgiving Break. They will be announced again on the Monday Nov. 27.

6) The first meeting of the Port student council will take place Nov. 30.

 The Student Lounge (The Portfolio Lounge) 

Will be located in front of the portfolio area in the school 2 common area, between the kitchens.


Periods 1 – 6 there will be a sign up sheet for the entire year. Teachers can sign up for the lounge when they want to on a first come first serve basis. It will be requested that a teacher is reasonable in the number of requests but if it is consistently available the teacher can then feel comfortable overusing the facility. It can be used as an alternative classroom (but not with a substitute).


During Nutrition and Lunch the facility will be available for students to enjoy. The student council will determine a regular schedule, capacity (based on fire codes) and selection system. The Governance Council will have to approve the plan.  If a majority is not reached the students must rework the schedule and system.

 (The Teacher Lounge)

Will be located in the area between the kitchen and room 200. Where the teachers currently hang out.

 The Monthly Video Newsletter (Created by the Port Student Council)Procedures:

1)      One copy made for each 4th period – 14 minutes long will cancel one SSR per month.

2)      After the DVD is shown each teacher will make the DVD available for the kids to bring home to show their family. They must bring it back the next day. Mr. Mendoza will have extra copies available too. 30 copies will be made of each video.

3)      We will get the video shown on local cable TV. With 30 copies going back and forth to homes and a cable TV presentation each family should have the chance to view the video newsletter.

4)      Clips will also be made available for download at www.bhs2.com

5)   Mr. Mendoza will archive the videos.


1)      Highlights and messages from each academy. (created by students with input from each lead teacher with Mr. Mendoza’s supervision on each (8 min – 2 min each)

2)      School 2 events or profiles of students/teachers/administrators/parents etc. (2 min)

3)      The Lead Teacher’s agenda (2 min)

      4)   Banning Athletic Highlights (1-2 minutes)

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