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Members - J. Gregson, B. Grejeda, T. Pauli, G. Kolarov, J. Mendoza
Group Leader – J. Mendoza 
Priority of the group – To have a monthly newsletter starting November 20th. We will meet on October 25th to discuss the format. We will divide the newsletter into 5 parts, 1 for each academy and the other for ITEP issues. We will also discuss the funding of the newsletter and distribution.The newsletter will be posted online and will promote the website. We will feature students and trips in the newsletter and teachers.
Work to develop home-school partnerships.
Plan two parent social activities this year.
Increase parent involvement.
Form relationships with community members.
Send letters home to keep parents informed. Consider a monthly newsletter.
Record and send splinter messages for the SLC. Send a short article to the Daily Breeze each month for the SLC.

From the 11/28/2006 Meeting
Will produce monthly video newsletter with student council
Ms. Pauli will lead planning of the parent party 

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