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Work closely with SLC counselor to develop and modify to the Master Schedule.
Define Elective that fit SLC goals.
Work with APSCS to develop teams in each SLC (?)
Members - L. Finley, C. Finley,
T. Pauli, E. Almanza, O. Salas, M. Kvapil
Group Leader – Cindy Finley
The elective are already
in place. Better lay-out of the master schedule is needed to allow flexibility for “out of school” classes.
We need “pure” SLC classes in our “Core” elective class. (Example – Letty’s Global
Trade but for each academy. Try to have a “pure” class for each academy within the school and pure academic class
(English/social studies) for each academy. For math classes for spring before winter break fails need
to be determined to see what courses will be offered. L. Finley will check with teachers to get numbers to determine need.
Other classes will basically roll over. Next step for this group is in December.
If possible, Mr. Almanza will attend the training for master scheudle on 12/12/06.