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Members - M. Williams, R. Gold, A. Hernandez, E. McDaid, M. Aguilar, A. Johnson

Group leader – M. Aguilar 
On October 23rd 5 week analysis is due. From this data interventions will be suggested such as tutoring, parent contact, and counseling students. Group data objectives: 5 weeks grades (FOCUS) which will lead to counseling students, targeting students (close to passing) and contacting parents (other groups will use this data to do this) Other areas of focus- CST – move to proficient     CHASEE – pass     10 -20 weeks     English/Math/Science periodic assessments     Attendance

Data Team Job Description:

Collect and analyze data for SLC students.

Use data to identify needs and recommend action.

Report findings to SLC teachers.

Post DATA in password protected site after each grading period.

Current Student Population

ITA – 210

GES – 154

GSS – 209

Match – 203

Male 46.8%

Female 53.2%

Hispanic - 87.2%

Black - 7.0%

Pacific Islander - 2.2%

Filipino - 1.7%

White - 1.3%

Asian - 0.5%

CBI - 2%

SDC - 5%

RSP - 5.8%

Gifted - 4.5%

504 Plan - 0.3%

FEP - 73.6%

PRP - 15.7%

ESL - 2.0%

W - 2.6%


From 10/5/2006 meeting:

DATA – team must meet every 5 weeks to look at data to change student achievement

From 11/28/2006 meeting:
Data Team is compiling statistics for the Intervention team. The focus is 10th grade students that can be helped.

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