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Meeting Notes for 4-10-07       The Port of Banning    School 2


- All were told to contact WASC Coordinator (Ms. Espinoza) if

  they have not signed up for a focus group


- We found 2 chaperones for next week's trip to Catalina


- Mr. Gold's Movie List – We distributed a form so teachers could list the films they show so we can make sure that students are not seeing the same stuff in different classes.

- Literacy Tips from Ms. Ramos (Postponed to future date)

- Construction in the common area – Mr. Gregson gave an update on the construction and Mr. Noble pledged to try to protect our sinks and food prep area in the school 2 common area.

- Teacher of the Year Process – We voted Leticia Finley as School 2 teacher of the year.

We broke into 2 separate meetings next:
- (Lead teachers) meet to discuss April 19th ITEP Dinner. We worked out the logistics of the ITEP Dinner for next week.


- (Everyone else in 204) Revisit Mission Statement. Is it good as is?

The mission of Phineas Banning High School is to educate ethnically and economically diverse urban youth in critical thinking and problem solving, while also providing vocational and academic options, to ensure their successful transition to the future as responsible adults.


They decided it is fine as it is.