Home2006-07 1st Semester AwardsMs. Rowen's Hot TipsWhy join the Port Academies?Meeting NotesAgenda for 4-10-2007Student CouncilCalendarGESAGSSITAMATCHPortfoliosData TeamInterdisciplinary Projects TeamIntervention and Personalization TeamOut Reach to Parents and Communication TeamMaster Schedule TeamDownloadsMy Port 2006-07Website ObjectivesBanning Athletics

-     Student Council Update - Video Ads - Thursday Election - SSR?


-     Teacher Recognition


-         The Port Video Theater

                   - U.S. History Day

                   - International Economic Summit

                   - MATCH Field Trips
                   - Mexican Cultural Dishes Day


- Annoucements
Thursday Dec 14, the GSS seniors have a field trip to the Los Angeles Maritime Museum in San Pedro
December 13th - Banning Residence Museum (MATCH - 10th grade)
Breakfast Thursday Morning

Suggested Issues, Questions and Concerns from 11-28-06


             - Can we get paid for meetings?

                        Yes. It has to be after school. Each team needs to plan an after

                        school schedule. Indicate who will attend (attendance is not required).

                        and how many hours it will take. In return you will be expected to

                        produce a working product. We have lots of money.


             - Meetings for Individual Academies to discuss individual students

                        Once again we can request money for this. Make a plan within

                        your academy, a regular schedule and the time will be paid.


             - Funds for awards. The month before each semester each teacher can turn

in requests for whatever they need. Mr. Mendoza will request all of the money as one lump sum to be distributed by us. If the entire amount is not received the governance board will decide how to distribute any money received based on the requests and other factors determined by the governance board.


- Does the parent center have a mailbox? Yes they do.


- Request for Expert Presentation on Literacy Startegy.


   If many people want this in a meeting it will be arranged

   If a small number want this we will seek a conference.


-         Dropping students from period 1 for tardiness
            Report from Cindy Finley

Report from Kevin Burgo


-         Portfolio Update

The Cabinets and Folders – Purchasing


-         Awards Ceremonies in January

                   Hand out the nomination forms

                   Indicate if you want to present, if you have someone else to present or

                   you will not be part of the ceremony.

                         Volunteer needed to figure out which kids are in non-port classes to invite



-         Update on Valentine’s Day Conference with business partners

      -     Data for teachers to examine and keep
                        15 Week GPA Ranking in School 2 (thanks Mr. Summe)
                         Breakdown of Grades by Subject (thanks to the Data Team)
                        CAHSEE Scores
                        CST Scores compared to grades in class
                        What are we going to do about the low scores?
                        Intervention Team


                        350 passing

                        380 proficient



                        A – Advanced

                        P – Proficient

                        B – Basic

                        BB – Below Basic

                        FBB – Far Below Basic

Individual Teams will each report to the group at the end of the meeting

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