October 17th 2006 School 2 Re-Cap
Teacher of the
Meeting the following teachers were recognized for doing their job
well. About 10 students were brought in to talk briefly about how the teachers had helped them and how they had contributed
positively to the school. Snacks were provided that matched the favorite snacks of the teachers.
The teachers that were
honored were:
V. Marsoobian
G. Kolarov
C. Gutierrez
J. Gregson
J. Furuya
Friday Nutrition – It was mentioned that on Friday,
during nutrition, we meet in the common area and have snacks. Each teacher signs up for a date. It is recommended that all
- Student Led Conferences
Several teachers will give test run led by Ms. Marsoobian
They will report next meeting (on November 14th)
Those trying it should keep a record and submit it to Mr. Mendoza
Announced that ITEP Academies
DVD to be shown in Common Area - Repeat
- The ITEP Website was introduced. See the site for details.
- Currently www.banningathletics.com/banningitep
- Will be either bhsitep.com banningitep.com or banningslc.com
- Electing a Governance Board
Governance Board:
M. Nobel
J. Mendoza
V. Marsoobian
J. Gregson
A. Gregson
L. Finley
B. Nguyen
F. Sandoval
On November 14th we will vote on a parent and student representative.
The Captain
- 2 Day ITEP Partner/Teacher Conference
Still being
put together
Carol Rowen
on vacation until October 23rd
We need to work on a plan.
We discussed the role of the councilor in the process. They
will be filling out a form (already required by law) for each student that will provide an educational plan and will show
what each student has done. We had planned to have teachers and students gather such information but since it will be already
done we have decided to let the councilors gather the information and then copy it for the teacher of each advisory or SSR
group or whatever form it takes.
It was also suggested that advisory
could be set up as a 50 minute session two times a week, similar to the schools that use a tutorial period when on block schedules.
The final section of the meeting dealt with our individual project teams: (what follows is the report from each team:
Interdisciplinary Projects
Members – Marsoobian, Getsova,
Gutierrez, O.Salas, E.
Anderson, L. Salas, M. Kvapil
Group Leader O. Salas and M. Kvapil
Student led conferences are already
in place.
We will focus on thematic interdisciplinary
projects. We build the structure for thematic unit in English, Biology, International Trade and Culinary Arts
Meeting will take place during SLC
A concrete plan should be in place
by spring semester.
At the next meeting each group member
will introduce an idea.
Master Schedule
Members - L. Finley, C. Finley, T. Pauli,
E. Almanza, O. Salas, M. Kvapil
Group Leader – Cindy Finley
The elective are already in place.
Better lay-out of the master schedule is needed to allow flexibility for “out of school” classes. We need “pure” SLC classes in our “Core” elective class. (Example – Letty’s
Global Trade but for each academy. Try to have a “pure” class for each academy within the school and pure academic
class (English/social studies) for each academy.
For math classes for spring before
winter break fails need to be determined to see what courses will be offered. L. Finley will check with teachers to get numbers
to determine need. Other classes will basically roll over.
Next step for this group is in December.
Intervention and Personalization
Members – Sandoval, Noble,
Adair, McAlpine, Nguyen, Scanlon, Furuya, Booker, Perkins
Group Leader – Matt Adair
Priority of the group is to track
student progress with data being collected in progress
Communication will take place through
the website – monthly SLC meetings
This will be an ongoing process
and a review at the end of each semester will be required.
The next step for the group is to
evaluate data as a group and decide when intervention is needed and when (i.e. homeroom)
Out Reach to Parents and Communication
Members - J. Gregson, B. Grejeda,
T. Pauli, G. Kolarov, J. Mendoza
Group Leader – J. Mendoza
Priority of the group – To
have a monthly newsletter starting November 20th.
We will meet on October 25th
to discuss the format. We will divide the newsletter into 5 parts, 1 for each academy and the other for ITEP issues. We will
also discuss the funding of the newsletter and distribution.
The newsletter will be posted online
and will promote the website. We will feature students and trips in the newsletter and teachers.
Members - M. Williams, R. Gold,
A. Hernandez, E. McDaid, M. Aguilar, A. Johnson
Group leader – M. Aguilar
On October 23rd 5 week
analysis is due. From this data interventions will be suggested such as tutoring, parent contact, and counseling students.
Group data objectives: 5 weeks
grades (FOCUS) which will lead to counseling students, targeting students (close to passing) and contacting parents (other
groups will use this data to do this)
Other areas of focus- CST –
move to proficient
CHASEE – pass
10 -20 weeks
English/Math/Science periodic assessments