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School #2

9-26-2006 Meeting Notes


- Discussed Coordinator duties

- Turn in green questionnaires from last meeting

- Design and Logo (current Green Logo)

        Decided on Blue and White

- Advisories                                                                    

          Voted 22 to 3 against advisories

         Want to retain SSR and do advisory work within SSR

          Union issues of teaching an extra class discussed

          Balancing the numbers if retained

- Elect a Governance Board

         We will elect the board at our next meeting

- Sub committees

         Committees formed – Mr. Mendoza has list of members

-  Planning student-led conferences

          Will formulate exact plan at next meeting

- SLC Plan

           All teachers offered a chance to get a copy

- Information from meeting on Thursday given out


- Form a ITEP Student Council

         We discussed the possibility of forming a student council but want to work it within the existing student council at Banning. We feel it needs to be restructured.

October 19th at night


- ITEP Website

   All members invited to submit material…….name to be something like BHSITEP.com

- Building an Image

        We discussed promoting the good things that are happening at Banning High

Items for next meeting

We decided to discuss various issues (discussed above) at our next meeting

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