Banning Pilots Tennis

Awards Banquet & Alumni Game Info

Come Celebrate Banning Tennis!

To celebrate this season of excellence, the boys tennis team will be holding its annual, end-of-the year awards banquet on Thursday, June 5th at Banning High School's Woodson Hall (MPR) from 5-7pm.  All those interested in attending should visit the "Coach" page and send Coach Castillo an email to let him know you're planning on attending.

Also, the Boys Tennis Team will also be hosting an Alumni game on Saturday, June 14th at Banning High School's Tennis courts from 11am - 3pm.  Again, visit the "Coach" page and send Coach Castillo an email to let him know you're planning on attending.  All Alumni are definitely welcome.  The plans are for a day full of tennis, food & fun!  Last year, we had over 40 attendees & hope that this event will grow even further.

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