Unit 6 : Imperialism : Unit Plan
Thur/Fri Nov. 12/13
Sections Picked
Minute Meeting
Nearpod – Unit 5 Russia/Britain
November 16
Power Point – Finish Unit 5 (France)
Tue/Wed November 17/18
Unit 5 Test
Turn in
231 - 274
Project Meeting at end of period
November 19/20 (Read 285 – 296 and do q.1 (289) and q.1 (296)
Day of Work on Project
Monday November 30 (Read
Nearpod –
Tue/Wed December 1/2 -
– Imperialism - Time to Work
Thu/Fri December 3/4
– Presentations (1,2,3,4)
Mon December 7 – Presentations
(5, 6) Have 336 q.1 done (extra)
Tue/Wed December 8/9 –
Presentations (7,8,9)/Review All Material from Book
December 10/11 – Imperialism Exam / Final Exam Prep
(Turn in 289 – 343 including
Mon/Tue Dec 14/15 – FINAL EXAMS
and Presentation Date:
1. Building Overseas Empires 286-289
2. Partition
of Africa 290 – 297
3. Europe Claims in Muslim Regions 298 – 302
The British take over India 303 – 307
5. China and the New Imperialism 309 – 313
6. Japan Modernizes 320 – 326
7. Imperialism in Asia and the Pacific
327 – 331
8. Canada, Australia and New Zealand 332 – 336
Economic Imperialism in Latin America 337 – 343
for Presentation
1. One Power Point/Google Slides/Keynote presented by the group.
- Each person must speak about their topic (know the topic)
- (15 minutes)
- Slides must be with few words, pictures (no long sentences)
- 12 slides to cover your topic
- Cover the most important stuff, make it memorable
- Group does the talking, don’t read the power point (boring)
- Make sure it works before you do it
2. 8 Color Maps of your region (no copies – size of half paper or more – detailed)
3. 8 Copies
Neatly Typed, Neatly Arranged, Section Notes
(No cutting and pasting, must be original writing)
A poster that goes with your section
5. Video Made by the group or someone in the group
o Create a script
o Based
on something in your chapter
o Use actors or pictures or drawings
o Use
2-3 minutes
o will be shown in class
Grade Breakdown
Look/sound of the presentation ________ (25 pts)
Information presented __________ (15 pts)
Requirements met _______________ (10 pts)
Map Quality _______________ (20 pts)
8 copies of map made _____________ (16 pts)
Notes summarize well _____________ (14 pts)
Notes easy to use _______________ (10 pts)
Poster represents ________________ (25 pts)
Video Instructs _________________ (20 pts)
Video Entertains ________________ (20 pts)
Video is on topic _______________ (10 pts)
Total Points _________________________ (185 pts)
Each member of the group receives the same score
If a member goes totally rogue Mr. Mendoza can make an adjustment to this proclamation.
Names : __________________________________________________